All articles tagged with "Mixed Martial Arts"

Madame Eva needed to find a way to send a message to this guy and she did it with her wrestling fetish. The mistress did not want to let the guy think that he could get away with whatever he wanted or that he could ignore her and her instructions. The message had to be firm and painful and that is why she wrestled him and beat his ass in the process.

This mistress was not messing around when she decided to wrestle this guy. She had to make sure that it all went her way and that is why she chose to use her wrestling fetish to dominate him. He did not see it coming as he did not believe that a girl could beat him. But he did and he was humiliated and in pain as he had to beg her to stop choking him.

When these mistresses realized that they had a lot of free time, they had to find a way to have fun and they did it by wrestling. It turned out to be much more fun than they had anticipated. They arm wrestled and when that was over, they tried other kinds of wrestling. It turned out to be much of a blast and it was not only unforgettable but they developed a fetish for it.

Mistress Manu and mistress Tina were told of expensive concert tickets but only one of them could get it. They had to wrestle for them and the winner was going to get them. The mistresses both wanted to get their hands on the tickets and so they wrestled hard. They did not hesitate to do so and they wrestled hard and for a long time, it was a draw. But mistress Manu managed to win it by a whisker.

Mistress Carina knew her friend was competitive and she was strong. She knew that her friend would excel at wrestling if she decided to do it. That is why the mistress went out of her way to teach her friend how to wrestle. Mistress Carina taught her friend how to choke hold as well as try mixed martial arts. It was all fun and they both had a great time.

Mistress Manu and mistress Nadine were bored at home and they had to find something to do for fun. That is why they chose to use their wrestling fetish to pass time. They had always wanted to try it and they now had the time to do it. They wrestled hard and used all the tricks they could master but none of them was able to win against the other.

Mistress Randy wanted tough opposition to her wrestling skills and so she asked this guy for a wrestling match. He was well built and strong so she knew he would be a good test and challenge for her. So she wrestled him and it was as hard as she had predicted. Even the guy was shocked. But she managed to win against him as she used her scissorhold to immobilize him and make him surrender.

This mistress had instructed her slave that she did not want him to be inconsistent. She had given him time to adjust but he did not. So she was not going to accept that behavior from him and that is why she chose to humiliate him. She did so with her wrestling fetish and made sure that he was choking and he peed himself before she let him go. Her scissorhold did all of that.

This mistress had a rude slave and she did not want to continue having such a person in her employ. So she punished him by pinning him down and trampling him, kicking him and wrestling him. She had mixed martial arts training which he did not know about and he was shocked at how strong she was. He tried to break free but could not. After she was done beating him, she fired him.

Mistress Bianca does not look strong at first glance but she is tougher than she looks. She wrestled this guy and he did not take her seriously. When he realized she was strong and tough, it was too late and she had leg scissored him and she choked him as a result. She only stopped when he cried and begged her to stop. He moved out of town as he could not stand the humiliation and shame he felt.

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