All articles tagged with "Abuse"

This guy was a bully and he was used to bullying people and getting his way all the time. But the mistress chose to do it the way she wanted. The mistress used her choke hold as well as other moves to disarm him and to defeat him. He was ashamed that he was being beaten by a girl and he had to beg her for mercy. He agreed to stop bullying and asked her not to tell people that she had beaten him.

This mistress had some concerns that she wanted to be taken into consideration before a final decision was made. She told this guy the same but he did not do it. He was going to make a decision after he had ignored her and she would not have it. She had equal say in the matter and she had to make sure she was heard even if it meant her

This mistress wanted her money back as this guy had promised to multiply it but had instead lost it. She was not going to sit back and watch as he did so and that is why she had to wrestle him. She used martial arts to choke him and hold him in such tight grips that he could not break free. He cried and wished that he had never messed with her.

This guy was too proud for mistress Dula and she knew that the best way to deal with him was to scare the shit out of him which she did. The guy had never felt what the mistress did to him and he had never been beaten by a girl. He tried his best to win but her mixed martial arts was too strong for her and he had to surrender.

Mistress Maria wanted to make this guy beg her to be freed and that was the motivation behind her wrestling him. He took it as a joke but when they started wrestling, he was shocked at how skillful, tactical and strong she was. By the time he took her seriously, she had choked him and forced him to beg her as he could not break free from her tight grip.

This mistress had instructed her slave that she did not want him to be inconsistent. She had given him time to adjust but he did not. So she was not going to accept that behavior from him and that is why she chose to humiliate him. She did so with her wrestling fetish and made sure that he was choking and he peed himself before she let him go. Her scissorhold did all of that.

Mistress Jannine, mistress Nadine, mistress Karina, mistress Olga and mistress Manu love to do fun activities. They are also super competitive and none of them likes to lose. Today, the mistresses chose to arm wrestle and it was a lot of fun as they did it in muddy water. They then posed for photos after they were done as they were all winners and more importantly, they had had a great time.

This guy was muscular and he laughed when mistress Jennifer challenged him to a wrestling match. He did not expect her to win against him and he did not take her serious. But she had prepared well and she managed to shock him to his core especially when he could not break free from her tight grip and he had to surrender and beg her to stop. He never messed with her again.

This mistress had a rude slave and she did not want to continue having such a person in her employ. So she punished him by pinning him down and trampling him, kicking him and wrestling him. She had mixed martial arts training which he did not know about and he was shocked at how strong she was. He tried to break free but could not. After she was done beating him, she fired him.

Mistress Esther is a great wrestler and fighter and it is an advantage she has over most of those she chooses to dominate and punish. She loves to fight as well as wrestle them so that she can do whatever she wants to them. As a result, she gets them scared and thus is able to make them obedient and subservient to her. Today she smothered this guy and cruelly choked him with her leg scissor.

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