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Madam Mysteria felt that her husband was becoming complacent and she did not like it. She had to make him change and it had to happen as quickly as possible. And that is why she chose to wrestle him. She caught him by surprise and he did not recover as she used her martial arts to pin him down and to dominate him like never before. She choked him and got him to agree to the changes she wanted.

This guy was intolerant and mistress Dula did not want to have to deal with him. She felt that she was better off dealing with someone who did not bring her a lot of drama and who was tolerant. She asked her friend to help her wrestle and dominate the tattooed guy and they beat the shit out of him and sent a warning that he was to stop his intolerance.

Mistress Suzy wanted to choke this guy because he was a liar. She did not want to be a victim of his lies anymore and since she had had enough, she had to make sure that she humiliated him so that he never did it again. The mistress chose to spit into his mouth and to use her leg scissor skills to drive some sense into his head. He agreed never to lie.

This guy thought that just because he had a well built body, he could do anything he wanted. She felt that he had to change and since there was no one else who was willing to deal with his unruliness, she took the bull by the horns and she wrestled him. She shocked him by beating him and choking him. He could not break free from her grip as she used superior martial arts.

These mistresses are friends and they love to challenge each other all the time. Today the mistresses wanted to try arm wrestling and that is what they did for fun. It was a lot of fu for the mistresses as they decided to do it for money so that whoever won it would walk away with some good money. Being competitive, none of them wanted to lose and it was a lot of fun.

When these mistresses realized that they had a lot of free time, they had to find a way to have fun and they did it by wrestling. It turned out to be much more fun than they had anticipated. They arm wrestled and when that was over, they tried other kinds of wrestling. It turned out to be much of a blast and it was not only unforgettable but they developed a fetish for it.

Mistress Manu and mistress Tina were told of expensive concert tickets but only one of them could get it. They had to wrestle for them and the winner was going to get them. The mistresses both wanted to get their hands on the tickets and so they wrestled hard. They did not hesitate to do so and they wrestled hard and for a long time, it was a draw. But mistress Manu managed to win it by a whisker.

Mistress Manu and mistress Nadine were bored at home and they had to find something to do for fun. That is why they chose to use their wrestling fetish to pass time. They had always wanted to try it and they now had the time to do it. They wrestled hard and used all the tricks they could master but none of them was able to win against the other.

Mistress Randy wanted tough opposition to her wrestling skills and so she asked this guy for a wrestling match. He was well built and strong so she knew he would be a good test and challenge for her. So she wrestled him and it was as hard as she had predicted. Even the guy was shocked. But she managed to win against him as she used her scissorhold to immobilize him and make him surrender.

Mistress Jannine, mistress Nadine, mistress Karina, mistress Olga and mistress Manu love to do fun activities. They are also super competitive and none of them likes to lose. Today, the mistresses chose to arm wrestle and it was a lot of fun as they did it in muddy water. They then posed for photos after they were done as they were all winners and more importantly, they had had a great time.

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