All articles tagged with "Chokehold"

This guy was intolerant and mistress Dula did not want to have to deal with him. She felt that she was better off dealing with someone who did not bring her a lot of drama and who was tolerant. She asked her friend to help her wrestle and dominate the tattooed guy and they beat the shit out of him and sent a warning that he was to stop his intolerance.

Madame Eva needed to find a way to send a message to this guy and she did it with her wrestling fetish. The mistress did not want to let the guy think that he could get away with whatever he wanted or that he could ignore her and her instructions. The message had to be firm and painful and that is why she wrestled him and beat his ass in the process.

This guy thought that just because he had a well built body, he could do anything he wanted. She felt that he had to change and since there was no one else who was willing to deal with his unruliness, she took the bull by the horns and she wrestled him. She shocked him by beating him and choking him. He could not break free from her grip as she used superior martial arts.

These mistresses are friends and they love to challenge each other all the time. Today the mistresses wanted to try arm wrestling and that is what they did for fun. It was a lot of fu for the mistresses as they decided to do it for money so that whoever won it would walk away with some good money. Being competitive, none of them wanted to lose and it was a lot of fun.

Mistress Maria wanted to make this guy beg her to be freed and that was the motivation behind her wrestling him. He took it as a joke but when they started wrestling, he was shocked at how skillful, tactical and strong she was. By the time he took her seriously, she had choked him and forced him to beg her as he could not break free from her tight grip.

When this mistress found out that this girl was trying to sabotage her and badmouth her, she had to act and she did so using her wrestling prowess. She pinned the girl down and she used mixed martial arts skills to torture her. She cried at what the mistress did to her and she realized that she could not afford to continue badmouthing her. So she begged for mercy and promised not to do it again.

Mistress Bianca does not look strong at first glance but she is tougher than she looks. She wrestled this guy and he did not take her seriously. When he realized she was strong and tough, it was too late and she had leg scissored him and she choked him as a result. She only stopped when he cried and begged her to stop. He moved out of town as he could not stand the humiliation and shame he felt.

When this guy set out to blackmail mistress Vicky, he did not know that he was getting himself into a lot of problems. She had to deal with him and she did so using her wrestling fetish. She choked him with her leg scissor and she also used mixed martial arts to torture him. That is how he learned never to mess with her and to do what she wanted.

Mistress Goldie had been training for months and she wanted to find out how good she was and what progress she was making. That is why she chose to test herself against her coach. The mistress and her trainer wrestled for long and it was almost even but she was determined to be better than him. And her determination paid off when she managed to win by pinning him down and holding him with a vice like grip

Mistress Megan is a wrestling goddess and she does not take any nonsense from anyone. She loves to do her thing and she never hesitates to torture or beat up anyone who tries to mess with her in any way. Today this guy tried to bully her and he got the beating of a lifetime as she wrestled him and she leg scissored him and beat him with her mixed martial arts. He tried to break free from her vice like grip but could not.

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