All articles tagged with "Miss Dula"

Mistress Dula and her friends wanted to degrade and that is exactly what they did to this loser. He had been a pain in the ass for her and he had to face the music. The mistresses forced the guy to wrestle them and it was fun for all of them other than him. He was in pain as they choked, trampled, kicked and stomped on him. He could not do much about it.

This guy was intolerant and mistress Dula did not want to have to deal with him. She felt that she was better off dealing with someone who did not bring her a lot of drama and who was tolerant. She asked her friend to help her wrestle and dominate the tattooed guy and they beat the shit out of him and sent a warning that he was to stop his intolerance.

This guy was too proud for mistress Dula and she knew that the best way to deal with him was to scare the shit out of him which she did. The guy had never felt what the mistress did to him and he had never been beaten by a girl. He tried his best to win but her mixed martial arts was too strong for her and he had to surrender.

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