Mistress Nikki is a strong woman but she rarely shows off her strength. She likes to keep it a secret until she has to use it. She had to protect this girl from her man. He tried to beat her ass but she came to her rescue and she wrestled the guy and she pinned him down with her mixed martial arts skills. She made sure he was in a lot of pain before she let him go.

This polish mistress did not like how condescending this lady was towards her. She tried to ignore it but she persisted. She was not going to let her behave that way to her. She did not even know her and wondered why she treated her that way. She took her to the side and told her to stop but it ended in a wrestling match where she beat the condescending lady's ass and choked him.

This mistress had a disagreement with this guy. He was not used to being challenged and he got pissed and wanted to hit her. But she ducked and she used her martial arts to throw him on the ground and humiliate him. She had a tight grip as she choked him and he could not break free. He panicked when he realized he could not get free and he begged for mercy.

Mistress Ariana likes to wrestle. She loves to work out and she is a strong mistress. She knows how to wrestle and she likes to spring it as a surprise to guys and make them pee their pants as she humiliates them. That is what she did to this loser. She put down this loser and she enjoyed choking him and bending him painfully. He cried like a little girl.

Mistress Perica was not happy to learn that her slave liked to smell her panties. She felt that it was a perverted thing to do and she did not want a pervert living under her room. She sought to make him stop that habit so she wrestled him and she choked him to get that done. She put him in a lot of pain and he had no choice but to do as she said.

Mistress Serena did not want to live with a man who did not observe basic hygiene. She wanted her man to learn to do things her way. She had high standards of cleanliness and she wanted him to adhere to them. So she wrestled him and choked him with her bare feet to teach him a lesson. She also facesat on him on the bed and she told him he would not get her pussy if he did not do as she told him.

This mistress and her lesbian girlfriend love to rough each other up and to have hardcore lovemaking. It is their fetish and they love doing it all the time. Today they were bored in the house and they found themselves making out and wrestling. The wrestling did not get far as they facesat on each their in turns and licked each other's pussy before they fingered each other to orgasm.

Mistress Maria had never let her boyfriend know or suspect that she was as strong as he was. She always hid that fact but today they were having a physical confrontation that escalated to a wrestling match and she beat his ass. He was surprised with how tough and strong she was and how he could not break free from her choke hold and her leg scissor. He had to beg to be let go.

This mistress loves to wrestle. She wrestles any chance she gets and today she had a chance to do it. This guy pissed her and even though it was over a small issue, she did not become the bigger person and solve the issue amicably. She had wanted to wrestle so she wrestled the guy and she pinned him down and gave him a good beating. He was in pain and he was humiliated, which she enjoyed.

Mistress Manu and her neighbor Lara were not in good terms. Their bad blood was especially bad today as they fought over parking space. The mistresses wrestled hard and pulled each other's hair painfully. They tore each other's clothes and they leg scissored and choke held each other brutally. But they still fought hard because none of them could stand losing to the other. They had to settle for a draw and they gained new respect for each other.

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