This mistress wanted to teach this guy a lesson. He did not give them peace at the gym as he bragged and he made a lot of noise for everybody. The mistress wrestled him to keep him quiet. The guy took it as a joke until she held him in a tight grip that he could not break free from. She only let him go after he peed his pants.

This mistress looks weak but she is very strong. This guy made that assumption but he regretted it when she wrestled him and she beat his ass. She crushed him and she twisted his arm and nearly broke it. She Made him cry and beg her to release him. The guy was in a lot of pain and could not believe it was all inflicted by a frail looking lady.

Mistress Aileen Taylor caught her boyfriend masturbating while watching porn and she could now understand the reason in the dip in his sexual performance. She tortured him cruelly to make sure he did not do it again. She crushed his face with her ass and smothered him like never before. She pinned him down and did all manner of things to him and he could not break free from her.

Mistress Teodora was not going to leave this loser alone. She had asked him to do something for her but he had refused. She did not like that sort of insubordination and she had to act. She wrestled him to the ground and she choked him with her leg scissor. She made him beg her to let him go before she did. She told him to watch out because she could do even worse.

Mistress Sophia caught this guy trying to break into her house. She crept on him and she caught him redhanded. She did not report him to the authorities but rather she degraded him and punished him on her own. She choked him with her leg scissor and he begged for mercy because the pain was excruciating. He begged her to forgive him but she did not listen. She knew he would listen to the pain better than anything else.

Mistress Gia was not about to let this bitch talk smack about her. She had tried to ask her politely to desist from dragging her into her issues, but it only got worse. She had to act so she wrestled the bitch and she beat her ass. She crushed his face with her ass and she leg scissored her and choke held her till she cried like a little baby.

Mistress Nadine and her boyfriend were watching a movie when she noticed he had received a sext. She got pissed when he could not tell her who it was. She choked him with her leg scissor and she had a vice-like grip that he could not break free of. She then made him pee his pants before telling her who had sexted her. She told him never to do it again.

Mistress Kristiana has a gorgeous ass. She was wrestling this guy and she used it to distract him. She uses that trick on men and most of them are dumb enough to fall for it. When they get distracted with her ass, she finds a way to pin them down and use her tight grip to choke them. She scissor holds them or choke holds them till they surrender completely.

Mistress Gaia is a strong girl and she loves to wrestle. She does it as a form of exercise and sometimes she does it to humiliate guys for fun. Today she met this proud guy and she baited him. He took the bait and she had fun choking him using her choke hold as well as using her mixed martial arts skills. He could not break free and he panicked to the point of peeing on himself.

Mistress Jennifer had a bet with this guy knowing she would win it. She was broke and she wanted to make herself some money. So she bet this guy that she could beat him. They had a wager and whoever won it would walk away with all the money. They wrestled hard and none of them wanted to lose. But she used her tricks, martial arts and mixed martial arts to win. She took the money and she humiliated him too.

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