Mistress Maria wanted to make this guy beg her to be freed and that was the motivation behind her wrestling him. He took it as a joke but when they started wrestling, he was shocked at how skillful, tactical and strong she was. By the time he took her seriously, she had choked him and forced him to beg her as he could not break free from her tight grip.

Mistress Manu and mistress Nadine were bored at home and they had to find something to do for fun. That is why they chose to use their wrestling fetish to pass time. They had always wanted to try it and they now had the time to do it. They wrestled hard and used all the tricks they could master but none of them was able to win against the other.

When it comes to dominating and humiliating people for fun, this mistress is one of the best in the business. That was what she was up to today as she had this guy wrestle her. She knew she could beat him but he did not think she could. So they had a bet and she won. She wrestled him and beat the shit out of him. He had never been as humiliated as he was.

Mistress Randy wanted tough opposition to her wrestling skills and so she asked this guy for a wrestling match. He was well built and strong so she knew he would be a good test and challenge for her. So she wrestled him and it was as hard as she had predicted. Even the guy was shocked. But she managed to win against him as she used her scissorhold to immobilize him and make him surrender.

This mistress had instructed her slave that she did not want him to be inconsistent. She had given him time to adjust but he did not. So she was not going to accept that behavior from him and that is why she chose to humiliate him. She did so with her wrestling fetish and made sure that he was choking and he peed himself before she let him go. Her scissorhold did all of that.

Mistress Jannine, mistress Nadine, mistress Karina, mistress Olga and mistress Manu love to do fun activities. They are also super competitive and none of them likes to lose. Today, the mistresses chose to arm wrestle and it was a lot of fun as they did it in muddy water. They then posed for photos after they were done as they were all winners and more importantly, they had had a great time.

This mistress knew that this gym instructor made good money. She also knew that he was muscular. He was also proud. So she knew that he fit the bill when it came to someone to wrestle for money. He thought that it would be easy money for him but it was not as she surprised him with her wrestling prowess, inner core strength as well as mixed martial arts skills. She won and he paid her but with a lot of shame.

This guy was muscular and he laughed when mistress Jennifer challenged him to a wrestling match. He did not expect her to win against him and he did not take her serious. But she had prepared well and she managed to shock him to his core especially when he could not break free from her tight grip and he had to surrender and beg her to stop. He never messed with her again.

Mistress Holly had ignored her neighbor for a long time but it was now time for her to do something about it as she did not like how he acted and how rude he was. The mistress had to make sure that she won it for him to respect her. So she wrestled him hard and with her mixed martial arts, she was able to chokehold him after kicking him and made him surrender.

Mistress Carina and mistress Manu wanted to have fun wrestling. They had done many other things and they wanted something new and exciting to have fun with. That is how they settled on wrestling. The mistresses had a great time doing it and being competitive, none of them wanted to lose. So they had fun using martial arts and chokeholds on each other until they were exhausted. It was a draw.

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